The Barefoot Haven

Crystal Singing Bowl Journey + Restorative Yoga
with Alisyn

September 23 (Sunday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Join Alisyn for a sound healing journey. As you enter this magical world of sound you will realize how powerful crystal singing bowls are. The combination of restorative yoga and sound bath will work to bring the body and mind to a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. The vibrations of the bowls harmonize with the energetic body and work to release dis-harmony and dis-ease that we hold on to. This workshop will incorporate intention setting, meditation, and other vibrational instruments. Come sink deep into your mat and enjoy the healing benefits of sound!

*Pre-registration is required for this event. Space is limited so don't wait to sign up! Purchasing a pass will reserve your spot.*


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