The Barefoot Haven

Winter Solstice Restorative Workshop
with Robin

December 17 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

The Barefoot Haven

Honor the Winter Solstice as we move together through a slow yoga flow, restorative poses, meditations, and reflections. In winter, everything lies dormant in the silent earth. Similarly, for us this is a sacred time of rest and reflection before the spring awakening and new growth. 
According to Ayurveda science, we enhance our emotional and physical health when we align ourselves with nature's seasons; you will also learn what dietary habits will nourish you during this season. All levels are welcome.

*Studio props will be available to you. If you plan to use them, please bring a pillow case to cover our bolster. If you do not feel comfortable using our props, please bring your own blanket, blocks and bolster/pillow.

**Workshop tickets are non-refundable.**


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