Yoga Nidra - IN-PERSON Class
with Robin

June 9 (Sunday)
at 5:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Finish out 2021 with a Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is a deep, powerful relaxation technique that instills a sense of peace, leaving you relaxed, present, and rejuvenated. The Nidra will start with a short, gentle practice, followed by setting your heart's intention for the upcoming year, and then the Nidra experience. This is a perfect way to end the year and kick off the new year!
The Nidra practice will begin with a short, gentle stretch series designed to relax the nervous system and prepare it for the guided meditation portion. Yoga Nidra does NOT require any prior yoga experience or flexibility. 
What is needed? Comfortable clothing, a blanket, a mat, and a pillow for your head (and perhaps a second for under your knees). 
**Studio props will be available for use. Please bring a pillow case to cover our bolsters if you plan to use them. You will need to bring your own yoga mat. If you're not comfortable using studio props, please bring your own blanket and pillows.**

A special $15 ticket purchase is required for this class. Regular passes and intro passes cannot be used.


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